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Saturday, September 01, 2012


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The Shop Around the Corner

Oh my goodness, Mercedes, your creations are surreal. I don't know how you mixed media gals do it. I get overwhelmed by all those possibilities. Looks like the fairies are making their rounds in the Land of Blog. I'm off to a fairy tea next week and I have no clue what to make.
I actually stopped by to see if you suggested any fun swaps and/or creative challenge groups...be gentle. ;) Truly, your work is amazing.
Thank you for sharing with us.

Melanie Statnick

Hi there I'm visiting from Blissfull swap and we're partners for Sept. I need your addy to mail your cards.
Beautiful faries !!


Hey chickadee!!!! I don't know if you remember me or not but I thought about you the other day when I started packing up my dried flowers you sent me!! Hope you have been doing well I am trying to start blogging once again!! Come by and visit me! Hugs


P.s use to be gypsy mermaid but I change it to gypsy owl:)


Beautiful creations Mercedes!


Hi Mercedes. Well the little fairy bread poem I had never heard and I must say I have a fetish for fairies too, so I'm following you on Pinterest and Twitter if I can find you and if you want to you can follow me as well and our fairy souls can meet and tell. Blessings Terri http://morningdewdrops.com


everything is lovely as usual...that amount of millinery on those pages makes me drool....big hugs...tabitha

Kimberly at artJOYstuff

OMGosh Mercedes!
What beautiful works, the recipients are sure to be over-the-moon!
enJOY a sweet Sunday,

Janet Ghio

Just gorgeous! wish I had participated in Karla's swap!


Always a joy to visit you and your art work and fabulous blog! You have such a wonderful way of creating art that I just love! Keeps me returning to see what you will do next.

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