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Saturday, March 22, 2014


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Karla Nathan

I used to paint dozens every Easter and give them away to family and friends. I think I have two left. I'll never forget the Easter that my two little toddler sons picked each hand painted egg off a tree they were hung from and smashed them to see if there was candy inside.


Hi Mercedes--Your eggs are, of course, beautiful!! Hope that Spring comes soon to MN. I'm happy to be your partner in JoAnne's peat pot swap, I've made a peat pot that I think/hope that you will love, it's ready to mail, I just wanted to verify your address...if you could flickrmail me (which seems not to be very dependable these days) or email me at [email protected], I will get it right out to you!! Happy Spring! Lorraine

A Facebook User

I am amazed, too. Happy Pink Saturday, Mercedes. I am so glad you joined us today.

Your eggs are all stunning. I would never be able to select a favorite because each one is so pretty.


OMY...such beautiful eggs.
Happy Spring.

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